15% Discount for Military, First Responders, Teachers, & Nurses
As many of you know, for the past year and half I have offered a discount on my commission to military and first responders - this has included police, fire fighters, EMTs, 911 dispatchers, and both active military and veterans.
I have done this in no small part due to my husband, who is an Army veteran (served 4 years, and deployed to Afghanistan). I always have had immense respect for our military and first responders, but watching the reverence that he has for these people over the past several years has really driven that appreciation and gratitude to a whole new level. On top of that, as he has occasionally considered re-enlisting or perhaps pursuing a career in law enforcement, the fear and worry that consumed me at that prospect even further deepened my appreciation, not only for those who choose to put themselves in harm's way, but for their families who sacrifice just as much as they watch their spouse or their parent run towards danger in order to protect others, while they wonder if and when they might get that phone call telling them their loved one has been injured, or worse.
So the least I can do is say THANK YOU by giving back some of my commission to these very deserving (and often times under paid and under appreciated) individuals.
I am very happy to announce that I'm broadening the scope of this program, and going forward will also grant this discount to teachers, and nurses. None of us would be the amazing human beings we are today with out the help of a nurse or a teacher (or many of each), and I know from the stories of loved ones who are in these roles that these professions are grueling, and tiresome, and underpaid, and are pursued by those who have an immense amount of passion for the work that they are doing, in an effort to make the world a better place.
So, here's how it works - if you are a teacher, nurse, first responder, or military, when you purchase or sell a house with me I will give you 15% of my commission in cash, to be spent however you please. You can put it towards your down payment, or closing costs, or you can buy a collection of china plates with kittens on them to rival Dolores Umbridge, if you so please. That is totally up to you!
And for buyers, this is especially amazing because usually the seller is paying my commission, so it's not a discount on something you would have been paying already, it's just a bunch of cash handed to you because you're an amazing human being.
AND - if you are both selling a house and buying a new one, I'll give you 15% of what I make on BOTH transactions.
Now that's pretty sweet!
If you have questions about this program, or are wondering if you qualify for it, give me a call and I'll be happy to answer them: (612) 356.4384